Billie Jean King's Eye Coach

Sweet Spot Training System

Master the one skill that controls all shots and spins
Immediate and Lasting Improvement Power...Accuracy...Topspin Plus
All Ages...All Levels of Play
USTA Featured Client

Don't settle for less than your best

Get the most complete training system in tennis.

Practice Better.  Win More.  Have More Fun.

Topspin Plus by Eye Coach

 Learn both topspin and perfect timing.

No one underestimates the importance of topspin. By teaching it our whole lives, we discovered a missing ingredient that most training and aids totally neglect. Eye Coach makes certain that you don’t fall into this gap in training.

Effective topspin training must be combined with your timing at the point of contact. This is the only time that you can control topspin (or any shot). Eye Coach training perfects your topspin shots by assuring that you to hit the Sweet Spot more often, which unfailingly reduces mishits. This is the PLUS that our training gives you.

Practice Anywhere, Anytime

80% of the time on-court we practice bad habits.
The Eye Coach Ball Striking Practice Changes All That.

How do you feel after training with the Eye Coach?

You will notice a change.  It doesn’t take long.  Initially the feeling is simply that your hits on an Eye Coach are more solid.  You feel it and hear it.  All this while you’ve added 24/7 training partner.

But that is only the start.  After a short time, you’ll begin to stop over-thinking and stat trusting your training more.  There’s a quieting of the mind.  This reduces the stress that causes unnecessary mishits.

Everyone can practice 30 different skills and get great cardio.  But what we really love is watching players trust themselves more.  Mental blocks are removed.  You truly feel younger, lighter, and stronger.  You anticipate faster and have less trouble getting to the ball.  And if you take lessons from a coach, your training will stay with you longer.

As your mind calms you have less anxiety.  That’s the real goal…to allow you to have more fun on the court.

For years, we’ve watched the emotions when players react more confidently and instinctively when they train on an Eye Coach.  Just like the pros.  They become inspired.

improve your tennis

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